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Activated carbon: how to play its role in wastewater treatment?

Activated carbon is a kind of carbon soot with sponge structure after treatment, so its absorption capacity has been improved. It is said that a gram of activated carbon has a surface area of 3000 square meters, equivalent to the size of three Olympic swimming pools, seven basketball courts or 230 parking spaces. This huge surface area is basically made to absorb harmful substances. In medicine, activated carbon is most commonly used in poisoning due to its amazing absorption capacity. When given to people in need, many poisons stick to charcoal (
https://www.yrdcarbon.com/ ) rather than absorbed into the body.

Activated carbon is very effective when it comes to absorbing pollutants from water. This process basically involves the absorption of unwanted pollutants from wastewater. Initially, activated carbon was treated with oxygen, which helped the charcoal open millions of pores. Carbon absorbs trace pollutants such as chlorine, methane, organic compounds, and even the taste and smell of water. Because of the large surface area of activated carbon filter, it can absorb pollutants in wastewater very effectively. It removes chlorine from wastewater. In the dechlorination process, the macropores of carbon are filled, so the impurities are gradually removed. In addition, the carbon in the activated carbon filtration process also absorbs organic compounds. The ability of the process depends on the physical properties of the surface area of the activated carbon, the amount of hydrogen and oxygen, the concentration level of impurities, the duration of treatment, and the pH level of the water used. As a pretreatment process in other waste treatment processes, activated carbon filter processes, such as ion exchange resin and reverse osmosis process, can be used. Through the combination of activated carbon and ozonation, trace pollutants can be easily removed. It can also extend the service life of the activated carbon filter.

Benefits of using activated carbon filter
1.90% pollutant absorption efficiency
2. Easy to operate filtration process
3. Low maintenance required
4. Effectively remove chlorine, organic matter, bad taste and odor
5. Cost effective - reduces installation costs
6. Operating costs - filter replacement only
7. Reliable and efficient
8. It is better to remove large organic molecules
9. It can be used in household and wastewater treatment plant

In addition, activated carbon filter is an ideal choice to remove pollutants in water by absorption process, and it is a relatively low-cost operation, which is very effective for removing harmful pollutants in wastewater. Yongruida is one of the official suppliers of activated carbon. We can meet all the needs of compact and efficient wastewater treatment plants. We provide (https://www.yrdcarbon.com/)and can customize activated carbon according to your requirements.