4 años - Traducciones

You can choose to change the walls, the bedspread and even with pictures or matching details.. When we are planning to change our look for the new year, now it is time for our most intimate space and in which we spend precious moments also deserves a remake. Renew your color palette: Renew your color palette. Here are some inspiring suggestions so you can apply them to your room.
Customize: Bring life to a wall or a corner of your room.Ideas to renovate your room and start a new year in style A new year begins and the desire to renew increases. If you are planning forhome interior design, the following tips will be helpful to you. . Creative Details: Paint an entire wall of your room, incorporate designs in the wall in high relief or flat, paintings that give life to a wall or shelves that help to completely renovate the room. There are creative and simple ways to give a change with newhouse interior design.
Boxes, shelves, and elements like the one in the image, are of great help. . It incorporates elements such as Christmas lights with photos, cards or postcards with beautiful messages or memories that give it a special or motivational touch – This is an excellent way to start the day.
Details that will make you look different and will make you feel that you are in a new space. . Utilitarian elements: It incorporates new furniture that can serve you to China light metal shelves organize your things and keep everything tidier.