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You can get a free excel "Christmas Budget Challenge" spreadsheet from http://www.. Use this spreadsheet as a template for your Christmas Budget,This plan is very simple and surprisingly effective and you will be able to enjoy your next Christmas without the suffering the Christmas Giving Blues. This number will be the maximum you can spend on each gift. Organize an automatic bank transfer from your bank account to your Christmas Budget account. Try not to buy items that are on shelves at eye level, these are usually the higher priced items.1. A good way of doing this is by carrying a small notebook and pencil and writing your purchases in it.
Try not to buy items that are located in the displays at the end of the shopping aisles, these items are usually more expensive than the items located in the aisles.. You spend up big, charge it on the card, and then spend the next couple of months worrying about how you are going to pay off your Christmas debts while vowing never to let this happen to you again. Call your relatives and agree that Gifts will only be purchased for the children.Gift Buying . Take your Christmas Gift budget that was allocated in step 1 and divide it by the number of gifts you need to buy.Getting over the Christmas Giving Blues? Take the Christmas Budget Challenge.Written by Bernie Wiemers Copyright 2005 http://www.You know that feeling. Open high interest bank account with the following attributes:- No minimum starting balance - Interest is accrued daily and billed monthly - Interest rate on this bank account must be higher than the inflation rate. Getting over the Christmas Giving Blues? Take the Christmas Budget Challenge.. Save money by looking for the cheaper priced goods on the top and bottom shelves.
Christmas Food Shopping6. This transfer will be on each payday for the amount you worked out in step .There are two parts to the Christmas Budget Challenge:.10. You need to take action and put in place the second part of the "Christmas Budget Challenge". As soon as Christmas is over and the pain is fresh in your mind. When next Christmas comes around withdraw your money and repeat the process again.. Keep track of all your Christmas spending. 7. Unfortunately many families don't set a Christmas budget and they rely on their credit cards to get them through the festive season.9. Unfortunately, this is a reality for a lot of families every Christmas and they just don't seem to be able to break out of the cycle. Put in place a strategy that will give you a plan to enjoy your next Christmas. Take your Christmas Dinner budget and make a shopping list