4 years ago - Translate

No plastic eggs this year! Ban these plastic-made Easter memories for good. Make that your new mantra, and you've just obliterated a lot of the toxic pollution of Easter. Besides, you taint the message of Easter by making it all about plastic eggs and other farming products, when there are natural, beautiful, healthy alternatives to plastic-made Easter eggs, which incidentally also happen to be more nutritious for us.

If you think that the only way to get your kids to eat vegetables and fruits is to give them Easter gift baskets full of plastic eggs covered with stringy plastic bows and colorful packaging, then think again. And if you think that by giving your kids a plastic egg that they will be attracted to candy coated eggs, then think again as well. I say plastic eggs because they are so easy to create. All you have to do is find some PVC plastic and cut it to the shape you want, lay in some glue and then stick it to the Easter bunny.

This might seem harmless but think about how easy it is to overheat plastic eggs in the oven, or pop them in the microwave. The effects of such things on our health are not pretty. In addition to being bad for the environment,Plastic Household Cups plastic eggs are also very unfriendly to the bunny.

The fluffy white exterior of plastic Easter eggs can often make the bunny very hot and uncomfortable. And what parent doesn't want to give their child a hot, uncomfortable bunny instead of a perfectly healthy, perfectly yummy egg? I say ban these plastic eggs!
