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Curcumin powder and health benefits are inseparable. This is because curcumin is an important nutrition and bio availability is low. External source is the only way. Turmeric has curcumin in it.

Turmeric is a herb grown in tropical regions like India. It is one of the important ingredients in the ayurvedic system of medicine in India for thousands of years. It is also used as a spice in many Indian dieshes. Now let us look at the relationship between curcumin powder and health or turmeric powder and health.

Turmeric has 5% curcumin and 3% essential oil. Curcumin is a bio flavonoid polyphenolic compound. It is a good anti oxidant and anti inflammation agent. This medicinal property prevents and also used to cure many lifestyle diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart attacks etc. However, there is no magic wand and it needs lot of continuous efforts to take this nutrition scrupulously daily.

Other than the above, the relationship between curcumin powder and health can be seen for following quick fixes.

If you have acute cold and cough, apply the turmeric paste in your forehead before going to bed for couple of days. You will get good relief.

Acne being the result of inflammation, turmeric paste can be used for pimples, skin rashes, black heads etc. It protects the skin from UV rays and found to cure skin cancer.

Take a small quantity of turmeric powder and add it to boiled milk and take for couple of days if you have mouth ulcer. It will vanish.

Having understood the relationship between curcumin powder and health, I would advise for a holistic approach instead of focusing on a single nutrition. Twice a day I take 50 mg of turmeric powder concentrated to 95% curcumin along with other 70 natural herbs and salts. This supplement is in enteric coated format. Though a little expensive, it will ensure that the substance reaches the pancreas to offer the full benefits.